Friday, October 21, 2005

Model theoretical appropriate

The teaching at distance is a method of impartición of knowledge, abilities, dexterities, attitudes and securities by means of the application of the division of the work with aspects cognoscitivitas and organizational principles, of the applied instructional design. As well as for the implicit use of the technological means, especially with the purpose of reproducing materials of teaching multimedia that make possible to instruct at the same time to a great number of students where wants that they are. It is a democratic and equal form of teaching and of learning. Besides being more economic.

The impact that you/they are producing the new technologies (TICs) in the educational environment it becomes more and more vertiginous, since in this Society of the Information the traditional educational systems fail in the intent of responding to the new demands, because in a Society of the Information an educational system is needed based on the telecommunications and not in the traditional educational transport (Tiffin and Rajasingham, 1997).

On-line courses for a mixed modality
They combine activities presénciales and at distance. With some requirements that settle down in their instructional planning, without which would have to be part of the following category and they involve the knowledge, the educational pattern through the objectives, the guide of activities, the resources, the consultantship and the evaluation, organized in a learning atmosphere. (The student is presented to sessions tutorship presénciales, and the other activities develop it at distance or virtual)

On-line educational resources
These can be you program study multimedia, readings, articles, virtual wealth, glossaries, electronic books, educational games, news, interviews, investigations, programs for different matters, etc. Elaborated to support a present course or at distance; in them there is not any demand. (Whereas clause the great quantity of information that is already in the net).

Pursuit of the student's progress. They should provide to the professor forms for the pursuit of the learning process on the part of the student. This information can come from the results of exercises and Test. Of autoevaluación carried out by the students, statistical of the itineraries continued in the learning materials, the students' participation through communication tools, number of times that the student has consented to the system, overturned time, etc. (several of the educational platforms they bring their own statistical controls, such it is the case of Moodle, WebCT, AVA, Claroline, etc.)

Interpersonal communication. It is one of the fundamental pillars inside the virtual environments of learning, since it facilitates the exchange of information and the dialogue and discussion among all the people implied in the process. Applications can be used for the personal communication already developed by the same tool or communication tools existent (as the electronic mail, chat, forum, Messenger, etc.)

I work collaborative. The possibility of transfer of information, use of shared applications; assignment of tasks, calendar, convocation of meetings, realization of rain of ideas, shared sailing, you notice, video/audioconferencia, is readiness that facilitate the collaborative work among the students facilitating the communication troubleshooting among themselves.

Approaches of quality of a content will Call digital content of quality to that that satisfies in their information, the following inherent attributes to their production: accessibility, interactivity, security, wealth multimedia contextualización and subjectivity.

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Proposal of instructional model

We consider that a good part of the literature on design instructional constructivista, is that that offers the methodological processes of learning, to the student in the hipermedia atmospheres or hypertext and that they think about some instructions and learning strategies mixing approaches constructivitas with traditional. In their article Davison recommends an approach of learning hipermedia based in “explorations of theories of the outstanding and significant learning”, (an example is this work)

Having discovered the eclectic nature of the instructional design, it is exactly to make notice that not all the theories plead for a strategy of “it mixes and tie” for the instructional design. Bendar, Cunningham, Duffy and Perry wrote an article in which you/they challenge to the eclectic nature of the design from the instructional system when standing out that “... the abstraction of concepts and strategies from a theoretical position that catches them robbing them of their real meaning.” They question the epistemología objetivista totally and they accept an approach constructivista for the instructional design. In their article they make a comparison of the traditional approach of the analysis, synthesis and evaluation with the approach constructivista of these concepts (Bendar, Cunningham, Duffy and Perry, 1995).

I design Instructional for the handling of the Messenger with voice.

Name of the course: I Manage of the Messenger with voice for shop students of I compute.

Managed to: Students of the first one TO t/m, of the general high school of the system of superior half education of the University of Guadalajara.

General objective. To know and to apply the different stages that integrate the installation process and handling of the Messenger with voice, maintaining one chats at distance and to apply the didactic tools that promote the effective learning, by the light of the new educational technologies. Interacting with their other team partners.

Duration: This course will be imparted with a duration of one hour for students of of general high school in the shop of I compute. (A present hour and the time that it is necessary to interact among the team).

Methodology: The course will have a theoretical-practical focus and it will operate under the mixed modalities, that is to say present and “on-line” by means of the use of the well-known didactic techniques as collaborative learning and learning based on projects.

He/she will have printed and electronic backup material, placed in the corresponding Weblog ( /) besides an academic guide of activities, for the student which contains the thematic objectives and the learning activities to develop during the trial of the object of weekly learning.

The participants will make use of Internet and they will be offered later virtual consultantship to the course; this with an eye toward achieving the emigration of the courses that you/they are imparted, from the present pattern until a model at distance. (Effective integral working proposal in the matter of the computation shop).

Prospective products:
to) Formation of a communication ability among the users that it facilitates the learning autodirigido and collaborative.
b) Construction of atmospheres of innovative learnings that allow the effective learning at distance, in a synchronous and asynchronous way. The participation and interaction among the members of the team. (One will have a monitoring on the part of the professor, in the interaction of the members of the team).
c) they Summarize written with the opinions and experiences acquired by the members of the team. (Written elaborated by the coordinator of the team, and correspondent to the respective comments, with copy to the professor's mail for their evaluation).
Evaluation: it was evaluated the content of the final report and interaction of the members of the team for the elaboration of the work.

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The students' necessities

The students' necessities (abilities that possess and that they developed with this I modulate)

From the humanity's existence; the communication desire was of vital importance. Without the communication, he/she didn't open transmission of knowledge, ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. The primitive man has gone evolving along the millennia, ending up building an interpreted language and spoken by means of symbols and after letters to which he has given them meaning and they conform today the Language.

The communication at distance, it has been their concern. The man has wanted to shorten the physical distance. From the primitive signs of smoke, going by the electric telegraph until arriving the current Internet. The distance, it has been shortened with the technological advances that the current man (descending of that primitive man) it has built until achieving results that they have transformed the human thought and the form of communicating.

At the moment the massive media brings near us information of any part of the world in a to open up and to close of eyes. The flow of information to which one has access is immeasurable. The youths possess the abilities of phone marcación, of interacting by means of the Internet, of looking for the novel aspects in the cellular telephony, besides a great attraction for the new thing.

Therewith we can realize the great necessity of the communication among the human beings and very particularly among the students that require being exchanging their ideas and participations in the different study topics.

The Messenger with voice, allows the interaction in a more quick, opportune way and he/she makes more efficient the communication inside the atmospheres of learnings in the students. Yahoo! Messenger is a quick, effective and amusing system to communicate with your students in Internet. With the handling of this tool the students developed the abilities and dexterities from a communication to more efficient distance, interacting from any geographical place.

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Will there be necessity to qualify

Will there be necessity to qualify to the educational ones how and do have more than enough what? How long?

We consider that the form of carrying out the educational processes has been specially influenced by the goods and reaches of the new technologies, being created new environments of information that modify the activities of teaching learning. Everything is manifested it in a focus different from what understands each other for communication, cooperation and interaction in the classroom. Where the professor will have a special training in the handling of these technologies and planning of these learning processes.

One of the synchronous media of more potential of didactic use in the education at distance is the chat and Messenger. Tools that the professor will dominate, or at least the appropriate handling of them.

The training that is required, this in the necessity of the handling of these tools, that which achieved in the measure that he/she practices and I interacted with them, whereas clause a relatively short time of some how many hours for their handling and good interaction with their students, in what we can say that you offers a mutual learning between both. (Professor-students, students-students, students - users).

Effective integration

Effective integration of the technological resources (computer and other) in the instructional design (readiness, impact in the students and moment in that it will be used, that is to say to justify the necessity to use it).

Access to the information and learning contents. The readiness of educational materials as hipermedias, simulations, tutorials, texts in multiple formats, electronic books, publications of Internet, contribute at the level of the course, because the forms facilitate their upgrade. (Backup materials and it consults, previously placed in their place, for the professor. Available the whole time).

Interaction. It is necessary the readiness of means for the interaction among professor - student, student-students, student-content and between the same students in a collaborative way and cooperative. The use of the mail is one of the tools, the forum, Messenger, etc. The readiness of these tools in the schools is every more common day, the system educational Mexican this conciente of this great necessity of systems of I compute in all the school levels.

Virtual platforms
They are the virtual platforms a form that has proliferated and had a significant contribution in the increase of courses that you/they use the web like environment for the learning, contributing these to the amplification of the “I space educational virtual.”

The society has imposed professionals and educational the incorporation of general computer knowledge although this it is not its study field for the unquestionable advantages of its use for its acting and upgrade. Likewise, although the creation of documents in WWW becomes easier with some current application software, the elaboration and administration of courses at distance continues being an activity that demands a lot of effort. However, the readiness of an integrated software that facilitates the elaboration and administration of courses for web (virtual platforms) it contributes in that is growing the appearance of educational offers in the virtual space, being positive the acceptance for the interested parties, what is corroborated by the tendency to their generalization in the educational centers.

At the present time one has a bigger necessity of the handling of the TICs, since they are already part of the new learning atmospheres, being made more indispensable in their handling and incorporation to the schools. (Mainly in the levels means and superior, it is already had an entire virtual infrastructure).

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The students' activities

Activities of the week of the 17 at October 22.
First Group A t/m.
Fear: communication Tools. (Chat and Messenger with Voice)
That the student knows and manage the characteristics and benefits of the Messenger with voice. That it installs the program of Messenger with voice in their working computer. That the Messenger uses with voice in a learning activity. That the student uses the chat, with ends of exchanging learning experiences.

Activities to develop:

1 - to make a reading of understanding and pursuit of the guide of activities (This content).
2 - to make a reading of understanding of the two following articles. (Technological communication tools and Learning multicanal). That they are in this same one it paginates.
3 - to write a leaf (it is considered a total of 24 writing lines), of personal opinion on the topic. (In the program of Word). Making a total of 2 leaves. He/she notices: it is important that each leaf takes your personal data, Name, group and mail. Besides mentioning that it is the task 5.
4 - to copy the content of each article. (The leaf elaborated in Word).
5 - to open the corresponding icon of comments, for each article and to hit the information elaborated previously.
6 - to verify that this integrated one the issued opinion.
7 - of not appearing their comment, to repeat the step 4 and 5.
He/she notices: it is important to have carried out these activities, to be able to continue with the following ones. Since the personal opinions were used in the following activities.
Observation: For the students that don't have connected computer to Internet, it is recommended to use the available teams of the computation laboratory in the schedule of classes and the free times. (To request the headsets to be able to carry out the commended activities).
The students that if they have connected teams to internet, they can make it from their house.
8 - to make a click in the connection to Messenger Yahoo with voice.
9 - to follow all the indications or steps to be able to install the messenger with voice in the computer where you are working. (To omit this step if you already have it installed). And to make the connection from the headsets to the CPU. (Working diadems).
10 - to form 5 students' teams and to come to an agreement in who will be the responsible for the team and moderator of the same one.
11 - once installed the messenger with voice, to give of high to 5 partners of your group, with those that you want to form working team. (It is not been worth to be in several teams, alone in one).
12 - having forming the team of 5 students, in your messenger with voice, to begin one chats in forum form (it is necessary to use the headsets and in the lashes of the messerger, to select Stocks and in the inferior part this to Invite to a Conference), on the points that more useful encontrastes of the read articles (The technological communication tools and Learning multicanal). Using the time that you/they consider necessary. (Minimum half hour of chat on the analysis).
13 - once discussed and analyzed the two readings, to elaborate two leaves of summations to those that the team arrives, making the considerations of all the possible advantages and disadvantages that have the handling of the chat and messenger with voice.
14 - once edited the final conclusion of the team (Dos leaves), to add the data of the members of the team as well as writing who in the responsible for the same one.
15 - to send the conclusion with all the requested data, to the connection of comments of the guide of activities. (It is at the end of this section).
16 - it dates it limits of delivery, Saturday October 22 the 2005, to the 11:55 PM.

For more information.

Evaluation of efficiency

Evaluation of efficiency in the teaching and in the learning, how we will know if the inclusion of the technologies in this process gave good results, that is to say, if he/she had a positive impact in the process teaching learning).

Creation of evaluation exercises and autoevaluación. It is by means of the individual evaluation that the professor can check the acquisition of knowledge on the part of the student and to verify the effectiveness of the design of the teaching process. In turn the student receives confirmation of her level of appropriation of knowledge. (Retroalimentando continually)

Definitively we are convinced that the inclusion of the technologies in support to a mixed model of learning, offers us better results in the knowledge, abilities and dexterities acquired by the students.

The obtained impact has I pilfer such that the students now pass a bigger quantity of time in the use of these communication tools, since this way it shows it the to comment you poured in the different analyzed articles.

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Also to say if it is worthwhile

Also to say if it is worthwhile the investment of time, effort and resources, according to the results that they will be obtained.

Definitively the instructional design of any study object, is much bigger. The utilized time for this activity has been enough, but we believe that if it is worth the rock to make it, since the results obtained in this work show this way them.

It is of hoping the design of the topics and study objectives imply us a lot of bigger time, in comparison to a simple present class, in which professor didn't plan to detail, neither wise really that it is the it would pass in the learning process and much less to wait some appraisable and ponder results. Now the great advantage of following them using the times that are necessary. Since one is designed the resources, you can repeat them the times that are necessary. Besides being able to plan and they improved those parts that offered trips or conditions in the students.

Another great advantage this in generating so many on-line materials that you can offer more complete on-line courses, and in the measure that the educational ones manage and let us practice more these tools, the professor will become more skillful. “He/she practices it ago to the teacher.”

For more information.


We believe that with this working model, they will be able to interact in a new learning style, with which you/they will be able to incorporate the atmospheres at distance and on-line. The students of our schools benefitted of our learnings, once applied and concretizados.

We consider that this working type comes to generate the abilities and necessary knowledge to be able to traffic to a more self taught and in turn collaborative learning among the whole student community.

Concientes of the great responsibility and commitment acquired by us are also, The desire to follow us preparing to be able to offer better strategies of learnings to our students. In the appropriate handling of the instructional design according to our educational context. After carrying out this arduous work, we see a complete and concluded project that it fulfills all the expectations of the goal proposed initially in this course.

For I finish we want to thank him the, Dr. Potter to offer us their knowledge and ideas that nurture our learning. And to Comment him that this working proposal this applied one with a working real group, the group of first TO t/m, in the Regional Preparatory School of Ameca. As it can verify it in the comments poured by the participant students of the project, (to See paginates: /)

For their attention thank you

attn : J. Jesus Rafael Aguilar Vélez
Felipe Sahagún Reynoso
Florencio Sánchez Sánchez
Isela Georgina Valdez


Archers, M., García, M., Perera, V., Talavera, M. & Toast, J., (2001). System of analysis of the speech in the synchronous communication. Ability of Sciences of the education, University of Seville. Consulted October 14 2005 in the place web:

Berge, Z.L., and M.P. Collins. (1995). Overview and perspectives. In Z.L. Berge and M.P. Collins (Eds.), Computer-mediated communication and the online classroom (Vol.1). Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Dewald, N., Scholz-Crane, A., Booth, A. and Levine, C. (2000). Information literacy at to distance. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26 (1), 33-44. Keenan, C. (1996). Technology in English 015: Building low-cost, high-powered writing communities. Available at: / Language_Music/Keenan.asp

For more information.