Proposal of instructional model

We consider that a good part of the literature on design instructional constructivista, is that that offers the methodological processes of learning, to the student in the hipermedia atmospheres or hypertext and that they think about some instructions and learning strategies mixing approaches constructivitas with traditional. In their article Davison recommends an approach of learning hipermedia based in “explorations of theories of the outstanding and significant learning”, (an example is this work)
Having discovered the eclectic nature of the instructional design, it is exactly to make notice that not all the theories plead for a strategy of “it mixes and tie” for the instructional design. Bendar, Cunningham, Duffy and Perry wrote an article in which you/they challenge to the eclectic nature of the design from the instructional system when standing out that “... the abstraction of concepts and strategies from a theoretical position that catches them robbing them of their real meaning.” They question the epistemología objetivista totally and they accept an approach constructivista for the instructional design. In their article they make a comparison of the traditional approach of the analysis, synthesis and evaluation with the approach constructivista of these concepts (Bendar, Cunningham, Duffy and Perry, 1995).
I design Instructional for the handling of the Messenger with voice.
Name of the course: I Manage of the Messenger with voice for shop students of I compute.
Managed to: Students of the first one TO t/m, of the general high school of the system of superior half education of the University of Guadalajara.
General objective. To know and to apply the different stages that integrate the installation process and handling of the Messenger with voice, maintaining one chats at distance and to apply the didactic tools that promote the effective learning, by the light of the new educational technologies. Interacting with their other team partners.
Duration: This course will be imparted with a duration of one hour for students of of general high school in the shop of I compute. (A present hour and the time that it is necessary to interact among the team).
Having discovered the eclectic nature of the instructional design, it is exactly to make notice that not all the theories plead for a strategy of “it mixes and tie” for the instructional design. Bendar, Cunningham, Duffy and Perry wrote an article in which you/they challenge to the eclectic nature of the design from the instructional system when standing out that “... the abstraction of concepts and strategies from a theoretical position that catches them robbing them of their real meaning.” They question the epistemología objetivista totally and they accept an approach constructivista for the instructional design. In their article they make a comparison of the traditional approach of the analysis, synthesis and evaluation with the approach constructivista of these concepts (Bendar, Cunningham, Duffy and Perry, 1995).
I design Instructional for the handling of the Messenger with voice.
Name of the course: I Manage of the Messenger with voice for shop students of I compute.
Managed to: Students of the first one TO t/m, of the general high school of the system of superior half education of the University of Guadalajara.
General objective. To know and to apply the different stages that integrate the installation process and handling of the Messenger with voice, maintaining one chats at distance and to apply the didactic tools that promote the effective learning, by the light of the new educational technologies. Interacting with their other team partners.
Duration: This course will be imparted with a duration of one hour for students of of general high school in the shop of I compute. (A present hour and the time that it is necessary to interact among the team).
Methodology: The course will have a theoretical-practical focus and it will operate under the mixed modalities, that is to say present and “on-line” by means of the use of the well-known didactic techniques as collaborative learning and learning based on projects.
He/she will have printed and electronic backup material, placed in the corresponding Weblog ( /) besides an academic guide of activities, for the student which contains the thematic objectives and the learning activities to develop during the trial of the object of weekly learning.
The participants will make use of Internet and they will be offered later virtual consultantship to the course; this with an eye toward achieving the emigration of the courses that you/they are imparted, from the present pattern until a model at distance. (Effective integral working proposal in the matter of the computation shop).
Prospective products:
to) Formation of a communication ability among the users that it facilitates the learning autodirigido and collaborative.
b) Construction of atmospheres of innovative learnings that allow the effective learning at distance, in a synchronous and asynchronous way. The participation and interaction among the members of the team. (One will have a monitoring on the part of the professor, in the interaction of the members of the team).
c) they Summarize written with the opinions and experiences acquired by the members of the team. (Written elaborated by the coordinator of the team, and correspondent to the respective comments, with copy to the professor's mail for their evaluation).
Evaluation: it was evaluated the content of the final report and interaction of the members of the team for the elaboration of the work.
For more information.
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